Query String Operator in Elastic: Debunking the Multi-Field and Dash Conundrum
Image by Gwynneth - hkhazo.biz.id

Query String Operator in Elastic: Debunking the Multi-Field and Dash Conundrum

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Are you struggling to get the query string operator to work with multiple fields and dashes in Elastic? You’re not alone! This seemingly simple task can be a major headache for even the most seasoned Elastic users. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of query string operators and emerge victorious on the other side.

The Query String Operator: A Brief Refresher

The query string operator is a powerful tool in Elastic that allows you to define a query as a string. It’s a flexible way to construct complex queries using a simple syntax. But, as we’ll soon discover, this simplicity can also be its downfall.

GET /myindex/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "title:elastic OR title:QueryString"

In this example, we’re using the query string operator to search for documents where the title field contains either “elastic” or “QueryString”. Simple, right?

The Problem with Multiple Fields and Dashes

Now, let’s say we want to search for documents where the title field contains “elastic” and the description field contains “QueryString-operator”. You might think that the following query would work:

GET /myindex/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "title:elastic AND description:QueryString-operator"

But, alas, this query won’t return the expected results. Why? Because the query string operator has some, ahem, “quirks” when it comes to handling multiple fields and dashes.

The Issue with Multiple Fields

When you specify multiple fields in a query string, Elastic will treat each field as a separate clause. This means that the query will search for documents where the title field contains “elastic” OR the description field contains “QueryString-operator”, not AND.

To get the desired behavior, you need to wrap the multiple fields in parentheses and use the `AND` operator:

GET /myindex/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "(title:elastic AND description:QueryString-operator)"

The Issue with Dashes

Dashes can be particularly problematic in query strings. By default, Elastic will treat dashes as a separator, not as part of the actual search term. This means that if you search for “QueryString-operator”, Elastic will treat it as a search for “QueryString” and “operator” separately.

To get around this, you can use the `\\` character to escape the dash:

GET /myindex/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "description:QueryString\\-operator"

Best Practices for Using Query String Operators with Multiple Fields and Dashes

Now that we’ve covered the common pitfalls, let’s outline some best practices for using query string operators with multiple fields and dashes:

  • Use parentheses to group multiple fields: When searching across multiple fields, wrap each field in parentheses to ensure that Elastic treats them as separate clauses.
  • Escape dashes with `\\` : When searching for terms that contain dashes, make sure to escape them with the `\\` character to ensure that Elastic treats them as part of the search term.
  • Use the `AND` operator explicitly: Instead of relying on the default OR behavior, use the `AND` operator to specify the relationship between multiple clauses.
  • Test and refine your queries: Query string operators can be finicky, so make sure to test your queries thoroughly and refine them as needed.

Alternative Approaches: Moving Beyond Query String Operators

While query string operators can be powerful, they’re not the only way to construct complex queries in Elastic. In fact, there are often better alternatives:

Using the `bool` Query

The `bool` query is a more flexible and powerful way to construct complex queries. It allows you to specify multiple clauses and control their relationships using `must`, `must_not`, and `should` parameters.

GET /myindex/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        { "term": { "title": "elastic" } },
        { "term": { "description": "QueryString-operator" } }

Using the `match` Query

The `match` query is another option for constructing complex queries. It allows you to specify a single field and a query string, and returns documents that match the query string.

GET /myindex/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "description": {
        "query": "QueryString-operator",
        "operator": "and"


In conclusion, query string operators can be a powerful tool in Elastic, but they require careful consideration when working with multiple fields and dashes. By following best practices and exploring alternative approaches, you can construct complex queries that deliver the desired results. Remember to test and refine your queries, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques.

So, the next time you’re struggling to get your query string operator to work, take a deep breath, grab a cup of coffee, and revisit the basics. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be querying like a pro in no time!

Query String Operator Multiple Fields Dashes
title:elastic AND description:QueryString-operator
(title:elastic AND description:QueryString\\-operator) ✔️ ✔️
bool query with must clauses ✔️ ✔️
match query with operator: and ✔️ ✔️

This table provides a summary of the different approaches discussed in this article, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses when working with multiple fields and dashes.

  1. The Query String Operator
  2. The Problem with Multiple Fields and Dashes
  3. Best Practices for Using Query String Operators with Multiple Fields and Dashes
  4. Alternative Approaches: Moving Beyond Query String Operators
  5. Conclusion

We hope this article has provided valuable insights into the world of query string operators in Elastic. Remember to bookmark this page for future reference, and happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Elastic search got you puzzled? Worry not, we’ve got the answers to your query string operator conundrums!

Why doesn’t the query string operator work with multiple fields in Elastic Search?

The query string operator in Elastic Search doesn’t support multiple fields out of the box. You need to use the `multi_match` query instead, which allows you to specify multiple fields to search. For example: `multi_match { query: ‘search_term’, fields: [‘field1’, ‘field2’, ‘field3’] }`.

Can I use the query string operator with dashes in the field names?

Unfortunately, the query string operator doesn’t support dashes in field names. You’ll get a syntax error if you try to use it. Instead, you can use the `multi_match` query and wrap the field names with backticks (e.g., `multi_match { query: ‘search_term’, fields: [‘`field-with-dash“’] }`.

Is there a way to make the query string operator work with both multiple fields and dashes?

Yes, you can! Use the `multi_match` query with an array of fields, and wrap each field name with backticks to escape the dashes. For example: `multi_match { query: ‘search_term’, fields: [‘`field-with-dash-1“, “field-with-dash-2“’, ‘field3’] }`. This should do the trick!

What if I need to search across multiple indices with different field names?

In that case, you’ll need to use the `multi_search` API, which allows you to specify multiple indices and fields to search. You can use the `multi_match` query inside each index’s query body. For example: `multi_search { index: [‘index1’, ‘index2’], query: { multi_match: { query: ‘search_term’, fields: [‘`field-with-dash-1“, “field-with-dash-2“’] } } }`.

Are there any performance concerns when using the multi_match query?

A great question! Yes, using the `multi_match` query can impact performance, especially if you’re searching across many fields or indices. To mitigate this, consider using filters to narrow down the search scope, and make sure to optimize your index and query for performance. Also, consider using the `match` query instead of `multi_match` if you only need to search a single field.