Conquering the “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” Error in Local Atlas Deployment
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Conquering the “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” Error in Local Atlas Deployment

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” error while trying to deploy your Atlas project locally? You’re not alone! This article will guide you through the troubleshooting process, providing clear and direct instructions to help you overcome this hurdle and successfully deploy your Atlas project.

Understanding the Error

The “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” error typically occurs when your local Atlas deployment attempts to connect to the Cloudflare Docker registry, but times out due to network connectivity issues or misconfigured settings. This error can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Network connectivity issues
  • Firewall or proxy restrictions
  • Misconfigured Docker settings
  • Cloudflare rate limiting
  • Atlas configuration issues

Troubleshooting Steps

Don’t panic! Let’s methodically troubleshoot the issue to identify and resolve the root cause. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Check Network Connectivity

Verify that your machine has a stable internet connection. Try pinging a popular website like Google to ensure your connection is working:


If you’re unable to ping, restart your router or contact your internet service provider to resolve the issue.

Step 2: Verify Firewall and Proxy Settings

Check your firewall and proxy settings to ensure they’re not blocking the connection to the Cloudflare Docker registry:

For Windows:

netsh winhttp set proxy

For macOS/Linux:

export http_proxy=http://your-proxy-server:port
export https_proxy=https://your-proxy-server:port

If you’re using a proxy, try disabling it temporarily to see if it resolves the issue.

Step 3: Update Docker Settings

Make sure your Docker settings are correctly configured. Check the Docker configuration file (~/.docker/config.json on macOS/Linux or %USERPROFILE%\.docker\config.json on Windows) to ensure the registry-mirrors section is correctly set:

  "registry-mirrors": [

If you’re using a custom registry, ensure it’s correctly configured and reachable.

Step 4: Check Cloudflare Rate Limiting

Cloudflare enforces rate limits on Docker registry requests. Check if you’ve exceeded the allowed rate limit:

curl -v

If you’ve exceeded the rate limit, wait for a short period before retrying the deployment.

Step 5: Verify Atlas Configuration

Review your Atlas configuration file ( atlas.json ) to ensure it’s correctly set up:

  "name": "my-atlas",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  " Docker": {
    "enabled": true,
    "registry": ""

Verify that the registry URL is correct and reachable.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try the following:

  • Check the Docker daemon logs for any errors or warnings:
  • docker daemon logs
  • Try deploying your Atlas project using a different Docker registry mirror:
  •  atlas deploy --registry-mirror
  • Use a Docker registry cache to reduce the number of requests to the Cloudflare registry:
  • docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry-cache registry:2
  • Disable Cloudflare rate limiting by setting the DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRROR_RATELIMIT environment variable:


The “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” error in local Atlas deployment can be frustrating, but by methodically troubleshooting the issue, you can identify and resolve the root cause. Remember to check network connectivity, firewall and proxy settings, Docker settings, Cloudflare rate limiting, and Atlas configuration. With patience and persistence, you’ll be able to successfully deploy your Atlas project and conquer this error.

Still having issues? Try searching for additional resources or seeking help from the Atlas community. Happy deploying!

Troubleshooting Step Command/Action
Check Network Connectivity ping
Verify Firewall and Proxy Settings netsh winhttp set proxy or export http_proxy=http://your-proxy-server:port
Update Docker Settings Check and update ~/.docker/config.json or %USERPROFILE%\.docker\config.json
Check Cloudflare Rate Limiting curl -v
Verify Atlas Configuration Check and update atlas.json

Remember to take your time, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re still stuck. Good luck, and happy deploying!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with local atlas deployment and encountering the frustrating “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” error? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

What causes the “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” error?

This error typically occurs when your local Atlas deployment is unable to connect to the Cloudflare Docker registry due to a network issue or firewall blocking the connection. The timeout error indicates that the connection attempt to the registry timed out, preventing the deployment from accessing the required Docker images.

How do I troubleshoot the network connectivity issue?

To troubleshoot the network issue, try pinging the Cloudflare Docker registry IP address ( from your local environment to verify if there’s a connectivity issue. You can also check your firewall settings to ensure that outbound HTTPS traffic to the registry is allowed. Additionally, verify that your local environment has a stable internet connection.

Can I use a proxy to resolve the connection issue?

Yes, you can configure a proxy to route the connection to the Cloudflare Docker registry. Set up a proxy server that allows outbound traffic to the registry, and then update your local Atlas deployment configuration to use the proxy. This should help resolve the connectivity issue and allow the deployment to access the required Docker images.

What if I’m behind a corporate firewall?

If you’re behind a corporate firewall, you may need to work with your network administrator to allow outbound HTTPS traffic to the Cloudflare Docker registry. They can help configure the firewall rules to allow access to the registry. Alternatively, you can explore using a different registry or a private Docker registry within your corporate network.

How do I verify if the issue is resolved?

To verify if the issue is resolved, try redeploying your local Atlas deployment after making the necessary changes to your network configuration or proxy setup. If the deployment completes successfully, you should no longer see the “Get … dial tcp i/o timeout” error. You can also verify the connectivity to the registry by running a test command, such as `docker pull cloudflare/production`, to ensure that you can access the required Docker images.

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